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My Compass

Welcome to my blog! I am a first time blogger (blogger is the correct word, right?) and am excited to get this started. I plan on posting some previously written pieces about past travel adventures along with current, up to date blogs, about education, world issues, lifestyle and many other topics.

I figured I should first explain my blog name, My Compass.  I thought for a long time, a really long time, because I am terrible at naming anything.  I still do not have a youtube account because I can’t think of anything clever or cute enough to use.  As a child I was not allowed to contribute to the naming process of our pet dog based on the fact I named my goldfish, Goldie and my gerbil, Gerby, I lack originality when it comes to names.  And so naming a blog was hard work. 

I don’t want to limit myself to just one topic, and I don’t want anything I will come to regret, like my first email address, “Funkychick”.  I want something that I wouldn’t be ashamed to share professionally but that allowed for fun and somehow encompassed my personality and interests.

Then the word compass hit me (I say hit me, but to be honest after hours on my sisters couch going through possible names,  I literally looked at a compass sitting on her mantel).  

I am a passionate teacher and so somehow I always end up back to education.  When life has thrown me curveballs, I keep to my goal and I end up back in the same direction, because my compass will always lead me to teaching; education is my true north.

Compasses are also representative of travel, which happens to be my second greatest passion.  I love to travel, to see the world and I love the lessons learned along the way, how it changes everyone differently.  I think travelling makes us all more interesting people and better educators.

My compass sometimes gets a little shaky and I tend to feel lost and am not sure where I am heading and what I am supposed to do.  But just like a real compass, I just have to take a deep breath, calm down and let it direct me in the right direction.

I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t gotten a little lost and I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t had a compass to direct me back again.

Sometimes the greatest lessons are learned when life doesn’t go the way you planned, but in the end, you will end up where you are meant to be!

So please keep reading and see where My Compass takes me and be sure to always follow in the direction of yours!

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