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I love to teach, I could go on and on about all of my jobs, my skills and experiences and recite my resume...but I won’t. I have never worked in a job that didn’t relate to teaching and to children.  I have two university degrees in education; it is my passion and something I can talk about all day long, as the people in my life are well aware. I have taught many age groups, many classes in many different settings. I have taught in the Northern Hemisphere and I have taught in the Southern.  I have met so many teachers along the way, interacted with many families and been fortunate enough to have taught many, many wonderful children.  I hope that I have made a difference in their lives in some way; I hope they have all learned from me.  But I do know for sure, that I have learned from each of them, every student comes with their own history their own personal story and they have all been life lessons to me.  At the end of the day, I may be the teacher, a role I cherish, but I have learned so much from my students.


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